Gujarat govt sanctions Rs. 100 crore for Tapi river bridge in Surat over outer ring road

Surat: The Government of Gujarat has approved Rs. 100 crore sum for construction of a bridge over river Tapi, connecting Abrama and Valak on Surat city’s outer ring road. Proposed bridge will be 1.65 km in length. It will be a 3 + 3 lane project worth estimated Rs. 179.1 crore. With construction of this bridge, the vehicles from Mumbai side will be able to reach Variyav-Gothan-Sayan areas without entering the city of Surat. Proposed bridge will also provide an important link connecting Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC)’s Eastern and Northern areas. A 66.77 km long and 90 meter wide outer ring road planned for Surat city will connect the State highway and national highway. Out of total length, around 39 km road is available at present, while 27.744 km road is being built in ‘green field project’ mode. The works underway are in 17.32 km lengh at present.DeshGujarat