Want Stubborn Blackheads to be Gone? Try these tips recommended by the best dermatologist, Pune

One of the most common forms of acne is blackheads. Have you been bothered by your stubborn blackheads? They surely don’t look good on your face, and if you try to pinch and push them out, it will only scar and damage your skin. Luckily, there are ways to prevent and remove blackheads!

For stubborn blackheads, it is best to visit a dermatologist by taking a doctor’s appointment online. However, if you can’t go to the clinic and want to deal with blackheads at home, this article may help you. So let’s find out more about how to get rid of blackheads.

What are blackheads?

Blackheads are formed when your skin pores get clogged with oily secretions or sebum and dead skin cells. As the skin pore is open, it gets oxidized and turns black, which is why they are known as blackheads.

If left untreated, blackheads tend to stay put. So let’s find out how to get rid of stubborn blackheads.

  1. Mild cleanser: Do not launch a direct attack on your blackheads, as doing so can aggravate the problem. Use a gentle cleanser so that your skin is not entirely stripped of its moisture. The best dermatologists in Pune recommend using a cleanser with glycolic acid. Glycolic acid is an acid derived from sugarcane. It is tiny in size with the lowest molecular weight making it easy for skin penetration. Glycolic acid clears the pores effectively.
  2. Steaming: Before removing blackheads, use heat to loosen up the secretions or waste trapped in the pores. Steaming your face is the best way to do this. After thoroughly cleansing your face using a mild cleanser, rinse your face with warm water and pat dry. Now, position the steamer or vaporizer about 18 inches away from your face. Ensure that the steam gets to the blackheads. Steam the face for a maximum of ten minutes. Ensure that the steam is not so hot that it burns your face. Begin to extract the blackheads immediately after steaming.

If you don’t have a steamer, wash your face and apply a little moisturizer to your face. Moisturiser will temporarily act as a seal that entraps the heat in your skin, making extractions easier. Next, use plastic wrap to cover the area and place layers of a hot wet washcloth. The layering of the washcloth retains heat in the skin. After five minutes, remove the cloth layers and plastic and apply a layer of moisturizer. The process keeps your skin soft and moisturized before blackhead extraction.

  1. Avoid using nails: One of the best dermatologists in Pune notice that patients often scratch and extract their blackheads. Keep in mind that using nails can permanently scar the skin. According to some of the best dermatologists, if you must use your hands to remove the blackheads, the following method is safe:

Wash and dry your hands thoroughly. Remember that your hands should be very clean when you start. Do not place your fingers too close to the blackheads. As the blackhead has to be extracted from deep within your skin, please widen your fingers. Imagine your fingers to be hands of the clock and position them in the following sequence:

  • 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock
  • 5 o’clock and 10 o’clock
  • 2 o’clock and 7 o’clock

Avoid using your nails.

  1. Extraction tools: If you can’t get a doctor’s appointment to visit the clinic due to the pandemic, use an extractor tool. If you have done enough research and are comfortable using an extractor tool, go for it. Place the open tips of the extractor on each side of the blackhead. The tweezer body should be perpendicular to your area of extraction. The curved part of the tips should rest on your skin. Gently press on the sides of the blackhead until it starts to release. Apply even pressure slowly, and as soon as you can, gently pinch the tweezers and pull the blackhead. If it doesn’t come easily, discontinue the extraction. When you have finished extracting, gently apply an anti-bacterial toner that is free of alcohol.
  2. Exfoliate: For exfoliation, avoid using a physical scrub as it may cause microtears in your skin. Chemical exfoliants with ingredients like lactic acid, salicylic acid and glycolic acid are the preferable exfoliants. Dermatologists prefer salicylic acid as it goes deep into the pores and dissolves the debris clogging the pores.
  3. Pore Strip: Pore strips are traditionally used to pluck out blackheads. If you have prepared your skin by steaming or washing with warm water, the pore opens. When you remove the strip, the resulting suction will push the debris to the surface. But this is just a superficial job as only the uppermost visible portion of the trapped debris is removed. Strips like charcoal cleansing pore strips might do a better job with the aid of charcoal’s ability to detox.
  4. Moisturize: Oil is one of the chief causes of blackheads. Yet if your skin is stripped of oil, it will backfire. When the skin is dry, your skin begins to produce excess oil leading to the formation of blackheads. It is therefore essential to keep the moisture level of your skin.
  5. Retinol creams: Apply a topical retinoid cream that is either prescribed or over-the-counter. Retinoids effectively remove dead skin cells and prevent clogging of pores. You can apply a thin layer of retinol cream to exfoliate your skin and remove blackheads.
  6. Other tools: Professionals use gadgets like metal extractors and vibrating skin spatulas to extract blackheads. Pore vacuums are available to suck the trapped debris. But unless you have the know-how and are extremely careful, it is better to avoid using them. Some of these procedures can be too harsh and cause hyperpigmentation or skin trauma. It is better to err on the side of caution and stick to gentler ways of extracting blackheads.

Takeaways: Follow the tips to remove blackheads. However, please seek professional help to avoid damaging your skin if you cannot remove them easily.