Works kick off for a Mango shaped Bilimora bullet train station

Navsari: A mango shaped Bilimora Station for the Bullet Train project will be constructed in Kesali village of Navsari as it is a horticulture area producing mangoes.

The station will be built in an area of 12 hectares. The work of soil testing and pile casting for rail track which will at 12 metres height has been started. The bullet train between Ahmedabad and Bombay will pass through 28 village sides in Navsari district in the length of 37 km.

It will pass through the villages such as Asna, Dabhel, Dhaman, Vejalpor, Parthan, Padgha, Amri, Amadpor, Dharagiri, Virvadi, Nasilpor, Sisodara, Kachhol, Khadsupa, Ichchhapor, Pinjra, Manekpor, Pathri, Dhanori, Vadsagan, Khergam, Desad, Pati, Kesali, Nadrakha, Undach, Vankal, Ghekti. DeshGujarat