Gujarat govt introduces policy for Bi-annual inspections for all bridges of state

Gandhinagar: Gujarat government has introduced a new policy mandating bi-annual inspections for all bridges across the state. The policy will apply to all bridges in municipal corporations and municipality areas in the state.

The inspections will take place in May and October of each year, and any repairs or resumption of vehicle transport on bridges or culverts must be promptly recorded in a register. Deputy executive engineers will be responsible for conducting the inspections, which will cover a range of issues, including protective work, work on water, foundation and repair, substructure on bridges, barring, superstructure, structure of wooden bridges, expansion joints, footpaths, and more. The Executive Engineer, as well as the Engineering department, shall have full responsibility for the inspection and review of repairs.

The high court had initiated a suo moto case in response to the Morbi bridge collapse tragedy. The court heard the affidavit from the state government on the condition of bridges. DeshGujarat