Articles tagged under: Karnavati Series

Historical mentions of Karnavati in text and complementing realities on surface

November 10, 2018
Historical mentions of Karnavati in text and complementing realities on surface

By Japan K Pathak Ahmedabad: I was surprised to see some historians and journos questioning actuality of existence of Karnavati. This article points out some facts that are neglected/omitted by such gentlemen while claiming that Karnavati is fringe of imagination. In text Early reference of Karnavati is found in Merutang's Prabandh Chintamani, a semi-historical book written in AD 1305-1306. Prabandh Chintamani mentions Karnavati for number of times. For this article, I have referred Guj...Read More

Why section of people in Gujarat don’t like the name Ahmedabad ? Answer lies in historical references of fanaticism and intolerance of Sultan Ahmedshah

November 08, 2018
Why section of people in Gujarat don’t like the name Ahmedabad ? Answer lies in historical references of fanaticism and intolerance of Sultan Ahmedshah

By Japan K Pathak Sentiments prevailing in the section of people in Gujarat against the name of the city of Ahmedabad are not completely unfounded. The city of Ahmedabad was named after Sultan Ahmedshah by Sultan Ahmedshah himself, and if you go by history, the picture of Sultan Ahmedshah is not something that the majority of people in Gujarat would admire. If using Ahmedabad and thereby recalling Ahmed Shah in daily life is a problem for some people, the roots of that dislike are found in so...Read More